The Power of Prayer
We are living in a society that has decided that it doesn't need GOD, or his BIBLE. It has created its own god called science. Men are declaring that science is the answer to everybody's problems. The scientist believes only in logic, natural laws and practical solutions. The scientist believes in nothing that is spiritual or supernatural, therefore when his logic or practical solutions do not provide the answer or the remedy, he reaches a dead end and can go no further. The people's needs are not met and they are left in their situation without a hope. The world is being indoctrinated to believe that if science cannot solve your problem, then it cannot be solved. We believe that science has provided mankind with many benefits, but as with all things that originate in the mind of men it has its failures and limitations. GOD, on the other hand never fails and has UNLIMITED POWER. Why then don't we see more of the healing and delivering power of GOD that we read about in the BIBLE, you ask yourself? The answer is simple, men have shut off the channel that GOD needs to work through. The power of GOD only flows through the channel of FAITH. After JESUS had done so many miracles, there was a group of people whom he wanted to help, but couldn't because of their UNBELIEF. "And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief" (Matthew ch 13 vs 58). Jesus told one man how he could get the help he needed. "Jesus saith unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth" (Mark ch 9 vs 23). You are saying "But my faith is so small." Yes, but GOD is so BIG, and he can work MIRACLES through the smallest amount of faith. JESUS said that if our faith is as small as a grain of Mustad seed, NOTHING shall be impossible to us. (Matthew ch 17 vs 20). If you've tried everything and everything has failed TRY JESUS. MILLIONS of people have experienced the MIRACLE working POWER of GOD in their lives through PRAYER. Sicknesses such as cancers, tumours, hole in the heart, blindness, deafness and paralysis etc have been miraculously healed. People have been delivered from drugs, alcoholism, prostitution, depression, family problems etc. GOD CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOU! WE ARE HERE TO PRAY FOR YOU!